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Dr. Nil Yücel wants to ensure that the soft tissues of your mouth are just as healthy as your teeth, which is why we use VELscope® technology in San Francisco, California. This device helps detect abnormalities in the tissue during your oral cancer screening, so that any suspicious lesions or growths can be taken care of at the earliest possible stage.

VelscopeVELscope is a non-invasive device that utilizes specialized light to detect abnormal tissues in the oral cavity. By emitting a safe blue light, it allows our dentist and team to visualize subtle changes that may go unnoticed during a conventional examination. This early detection aids in the timely diagnosis, significantly improving treatment outcomes.

What sets VELscope apart is its ability to reveal potential cancerous or pre-cancerous lesions even before they become visible to the naked eye. By highlighting areas of concern, Dr. Yücel can take proactive measures to address them promptly, ensuring your peace of mind. The examination is quick, painless and seamlessly integrated into your routine dental check-up. With no need for invasive procedures or additional appointments, it offers a convenient and hassle-free experience. Our experienced dentist and team are trained in utilizing VELscope to its full potential, guaranteeing accurate results. By incorporating this advanced technology into our practice, we demonstrate our dedication to your oral health and overall well-being.

Do not leave your oral health to chance. Schedule your oral cancer screening today with our VELscope technology. Together, we can detect, prevent and protect against oral cancer, ensuring your optimal oral health. Contact NY Dental Studios at 415-362-3762 today!